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Registering a Google Account authenticates gopaddle to provision and manage Google GKE clusters, push or pull Docker Images ..

Registering a Google Account in gopaddle, provides gopaddle the required Google Account credentials to provision and manage Google GKE clusters, push or pull Docker Images to the Artifact (Docker) Registry. Registering a Google Account is a three step process. First a role with the necessary access privileges needs to be created in the Google Cloud Console. This role is assigned to a newly created Service Account. The Service account credentials are then used to register the Google Account in the gopaddle portal.


gopaddle uses Google's Kubernetes Engine API in order to provision and manage GKE clusters. Before registering a Google Cloud Account ensure that the API is enabled in the Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine page

Step-1 : Create a Role

You can create a new role either using the gcloud command line utility or from the Google Cloud Console.

1. Install gcloud utility by following the step here.

2. Download the google IAM role permissions file.

Download IAM permissions file

3. Using gcloud command-line utility, create a new role with the required permissions.

gcloud iam roles create <role-name> --project=<Project_ID> --file=<permissions-file-path>

Step -2 Creating a Service Account

  1. Choose API & Services and Choose Credentials

  2. Click on CREATE CREDENTIALS to create a new credential of type Service account

  3. Name the Service account and choose the newly created Role to associate with the Service Account. If you have created the role using the gcloud utility, then choose the role IAM demo role.

  4. Create a Key for the Service Account by clicking on CREATE KEY

  5. Create a JSON file based key.

  6. Save the JSON file generated

7. Note down the Service Account email ID.

Note down the Google Project Name, Service Account Email ID, JSON file generated in the previous steps to register the Google Cloud Account in gopaddle.

Registering a Google Account in gopaddle

  1. In the gopaddle UI, navigate to the Settings option in the top navigation bar.

  2. Select the Cloud and then the Cloud Accounts tab.

  3. Click on Add Cloud Account to register the Google Cloud Account.

  4. In the account registration wizard, choose the Provider as Google.

  5. Provide the Service Account Email ID, and upload the Service Account JSON Key file.

  6. Click on Create to Register the Google Cloud Account.

Last updated