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Digital Ocean

gopaddle One-Click Install on Digital Ocean

gopaddle Installation on Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster requires a minimum of 2 nodes, 32 GB RAM and 50 GB Hard disk. O

Option 1 - Install through Marketplace Listing

  1. Click on the Digitial Ocean Marketplace listing below:

  1. Click on Install App in the top right corner of the app listing.

  2. Sign In to your Digital Ocean Account and launch the application.

  1. Once gopaddle is installed, access the gopaddle UI by following these steps.

Option 2 - Install Using Command Line

  1. Follow these steps to Download and configure Digital Ocean command line utility

  2. Execute the below command to create a Digitial Ocean Kubernetes cluster and install gopaddle

doctl kubernetes clusters create --size s-4vcpu-8gb $CLUSTER_NAME --1-clicks gopaddle-lite
  1. Once gopaddle is installed, access the gopaddle UI by following these steps.

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