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Attach Runbook Hub to Cluster

A hub can be attached to one or more clusters. When a hub is attached to a cluster, gopaddle filters the Kubernetes resources and events in the cluster matching the selectors across all the runbooks within the hub. The filtered resources and events are then annotated with the runbook information.

Prerequisite to test Runbooks with a sample application

To test the runbook functionality,

a) create a sample repository in your GitHub Account and initialize a .gp.yaml file. Check the runbook hub section to learn more about initializing a repository as a Hub.

b) Register the source control account and make sure the Runbook Hub is discovered.

c) Deploy the below sample application such that we have a application that matches the selectors in the Runbook Hub.

Sample Application to create an Event

For the purpose of testing, a sample Pod with ImagePullBackOff can be deployed by applying the yaml below:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: demo-1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: image-pull-failure-pod
  namespace: demo-1
    app: image-pull-failure-pod
  - name: image-error-container
image: non-existent-image:latest # This image intentionally does not exist

Steps to attach Hub to a Cluster

  1. In the left navigation panel, select Runbook Hubs.

  2. Click on a Runbook Hub to view the Runbook Hub

  3. In the popup choose the localhost cluster and select Attach

  1. Navigate to the Clusters section in the left navigation panel and click on the cluster name to view the cluster

  2. All the runbook hubs associated with the cluster can be viewed under the Runbook Hubs section.

  1. Click on View -> Resources to list all the resources discovered under the cluster

  2. Choose the List filtered resources with runbooks to view the resources tagged with runbooks. The demo pending Pod gets listed with a runbook icon.

  1. Click on the runbook icon to view the runbook.

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