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Docker Desktop

Steps to install gopaddle extension on Docker Desktop

gopaddle Lite is now available as a Docker Desktop community extension, enabling Docker Desktop users to manage multiple cloud & onpremise Kubernetes environments from a single dashboard. Docker users can start building a complete DevSecOps automation using gopaddle.


a) Docker Desktop requirements: Minimum 4vCPU, 8GB RAM and minimum 10GB free disk space

Under Docker Desktop Settings, make sure the minimum CPU and Memory resources are configured.

b) Docker Engine - v20.10.24 or later

c) Kubernetes Engine - v1.25.4

d) Enable Kubernetes Engine

Installation Steps

If you already have Docker Desktop installed, click on the link to download and install the extension.

If not, follow the below steps to install gopaddle extension.

  1. Download and Install Docker Desktop -

  2. Search for gopaddle in the Docker Extensions Marketplace

  3. Install the gopaddle extension.

Getting started

  1. Subscribe to gopaddle using your email ID. gopaddle then sends an email to the registered email ID with an initial password.

  2. Login to the gopaddle dashboard using the registered email ID and the initial password.

  3. Enable the Kubernetes cluster under the Docker Desktop Settings.

  4. Wait until the Kubernetes cluster moves to ready state.

  5. Once the Kubernetes status icon in the Docker Desktop moves to ready state, execute the below command in the local terminal to get the Kubernetes cluster configuration.

    kubectl config view --minify=true -o yaml --context=docker-desktop --flatten
  6. Register the local cluster in the gopaddle dashboard

gopaddle automatically triggers a discovery process, that discovers the resources in the docker-desktop Kubernetes cluster. Once the discovery process is complete, you can view the namespaces under the Applications tab and the Kubernetes specifications under the Design Studio.

Uninstalling gopaddle extension

a) Cancel the subscription (if any). You can ignore this step, if you are on free version of gopaddle lite.

Under the Profile, choose Billing

Copy the URL from the Manage gopaddle Subscriptions pop up. Open the URL in the browser. Login using the gopaddle registered email ID and manage your billing and subscription.

b) Uninstall the gopaddle extension from docker desktop

c) Switch to docker-destop Kubernetes context

kubectl config use-context docker-desktop

e) Uninstall the gopaddle-servers namespaces

kubectl delete ns gopaddle-servers gp-lite-4-2

Note. If deleting the gopaddle-servers is stuck, then edit the namespace and remove the finalizers

kubectl get namespace gopaddle-servers -o json \ | tr -d "\n" | sed "s/\"finalizers\": \[[^]]\+\]/\"finalizers\": []/" \ | kubectl replace --raw /api/v1/namespaces/gopaddle-servers/finalize -f -

g) Delete the gopaddle clusterroles

kubectl delete clusterrole gopaddle gopaddle:nginx-ingress-clusterrole gopaddle:prometheus-tool-kube-state-metrics gopaddle:prometheus-tool-server 

h) Delete the gopaddle clusterrolebindings

kubectl delete clusterrolebinding gopaddle gopaddle:event-exporter-rb gopaddle:prometheus-tool-kube-state-metrics gopaddle:prometheus-tool-server

i) Delete the default backend

kubectl delete deploy/default-http-backend 
kubectl delete service/default-http-backend

Last updated